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Max is a Stage 3 Testicular Cancer survivor. Max completed a 10-month battle against the disease which included six rounds of chemotherapy, three surgeries, three brain radiation treatments, a stem cell harvest, and countless other obstacles. Max met our Founder and fellow TC survivor Matt, at the “Hockey Fights Cancer” Night at the NHL Carolina Hurricanes Game, and they quickly became great friends. With the RTCF mission being so personal for Max, he felt inspired to participate. A graduate from Brown University in Applied Mathematics – Economics, with experience in the private equity industry, Max is always eager to give back to those facing a similar diagnosis and cancer journey, like the one he faced. One of my main outlets for Max has been through the RTCF Jr. Board, where he is provided the opportunity to walk alongside current TC patients, spread awareness about TC, and help organize RTCF fundraisers. Ultimately his goal is to become the same type of mentor for other testicular cancer patients and survivors like Matt has been for him.

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